Feb 26-27:  See you at 3rd Annual EV Charging Infrastructure Forum!

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About Deftpower


Business Partner Group

A defined group of Organisation Units used to create Tariff Plan Rules.

Charge Detail Record 

When a session is charged on a connected charging point belonging to a CPO, the CPMS operated by that CPO records all key data of that session into a Charge Detail Record (CDR). Every session results in a CDR being generated by the CPO.

The CDR is communicated by the CPO to the MSP to relay the details of that session and includes e.g. where and when the session took place and how much was consumed. The CDR form the basis for the MSP to pay the CPO for a session, and for the MSP to invoice the customer.

Charge Point Operator 

The CPO operates charging stations and is responsible for their installation, operation and service. 

Charging Detail Record

The CDR as it was received by Deftpower from the CPO, without any customer-specific pricing rules applied. This is used as the basis for calculating the fee an MSP will pay to the CPO for a specific charging session. 

Charging Point Connector 

The 'plug' part of a charging point. A charging point may have multiple connectors. Each connector is individually identifiable in the Deftpower Platform.

Deftpower App

The white label mobile application developed by Deftpower to enable EV drivers using one of our customer's solutions to easily register new accounts and find, access & pay for public charging across Europe.

Deftpower Control Centre

The online web portal designed by Deftpower for administrators of the MSP service as well as for fleet customers. The Control Centre operates on a permissions-based system and functions as a fleet management portal complete with functionality for administrating corporate and commercial fleets. Additionally, it has the capability to be white labelled. 

Deftpower Platform

The combination of the white label Deftpower Portal and Deftpower App which together enable our customers to provide their EV drivers with charging services and manage their MSP business. 

EV driver

A person who owns an electric vehicle.

Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Identifier 

An identifier used to identify a specific charging point.

Location group

A group of Charging Point Connectors based on one or more parameters (i.e., Country). Every connector must be assigned to a location group. Used to create Tariff Plan Rules.

Mobility Account Identifier

A fixed-format identifier which denotes a specific charging token. The EMA-ID is the visible counterpart to the 'invisible' UID used to identify users and contracts and authenticate charging sessions between MSPs and CPOs.


Also known as EVCO-ID.

Mobility Service Provider/Charging Detail Record

Every session results in a Charge Detail Record (CDR). The CDR as received from the CPO (see CPO CDR) is rated against sales tariffs which the MSP has configured on the Deftpower Platform, and stored as an MSP CDR. The MSP CDR contains the fee which the MSP’s customer (e.g. EV driver or fleet manager) will pay to the MSP for a specific charging session and is used to invoice that customer.

Mobility Service Provider 

An entity enabling EV charging by providing a way for EV drivers to access charging stations, generally via mobile applications and charging keys. Crucially, an MSP also handles the correct billing & payment for charging sessions between the EV driver and the Charge Point Operator (CPO)

Open Charge Point Interface

The accepted market standard communication protocol (API) that supports roaming between MSPs and CPOs.

Organisation Unit

A separate groups of Profiles created by the Tenant Administrator or an Organisation Unit Administrator in the Deftpower Portal.

Organisation Unit Administrator

A role denoting a sub-Tenant level administrator in the Deftpower Platform. The OU Admin organises its users, EV drivers and that part of the MSP organisation which they have access to from the Deftpower Portal.

Private Charging Points 

Charging points which are not made accessible to the public e.g. home chargers intended exclusively for private use.


A role denoting the person or vehicle using the charging service. Created by the Tenant Admin or a User. Profiles can be grouped in Organisation Units.

Public Charging Points

Charging points which are made accessible to the public.


Roaming refers to the exchange of data between CPOs and MSPs, giving vehicle users access to charging stations of different providers.

Roaming Hubs

Roaming hubs are organisations that aggregate CPOs and MSPs on one platform to facilitate roaming. The largest European roaming hubs are Hubject, GIREVE and e-clearing.net.

Semi-Private Charging Points

Charging points which are located on privately owned but publicly accessible areas e.g. hotel parking lots, supermarket parking lots.

Tariff Code

A tariff code is a (pre)defined rule to calculate the quantity and unit to be billed. For example: the amount of energy, idle fees, session duration.

Tariff Plan

A Tariff plan is combination of tariff plan rules used to determine the price at which EV drivers charge using the Deftpower Platform.

Tariff Plan Rule

Location Groups, Business Partner Groups and Tariff Codes are combined into a Tariff Plan Rule.

Tenant Administrator

A role denoting the highest level of administrator in the Deftpower platform. The Tenant sets pricing, manages CPO access and organises their users, EV Drivers and broader MSP organisation from the Deftpower Portal.


Tokens refer to the RFID charging cards and its subsequent IDs. These are used to identify the EV driver for authorisation at a charging station

Unique Identifier

A fixed-format number used to identify users and contracts and authenticate charging sessions between MSPs and CPOs. The UID is the 'invisible' counterpart to the visible EMA-ID. UIDs are generally not made easily visible to users to avoid fraud.


Users are assigned by the Tenant Administrator to manage EV drivers or Organisation Units. Users are assigned pre-defined roles containing permissions sets to regulate what information and functionality they can access on the Platform.

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